She is strong... She is happy... She is successful... She has style and She tells her own story through our jewelry...
She is a Woman of Borboleta
About campaign
Women are the inspiration of numerous artists throughout history, a benchmark for beauty and elegance, but at the same time they are lionesses, almighty, self-aware and, ultimately, emancipated. Many wars have been started because of women, but thanks to them, many wars have been completed. Women can do anything they imagine, they can be astronauts and scientists, be Nobel Prize winners, but also be fragile artists. Women's imagination is the only limit to their reach.
For this reason, in celebration of women all over the world, we have launched a campaign with a series of representations of women who have a career but at the same time style and elegance - Woman of Borboleta.
This section of Borboleta celebrates every woman, her choices, her style, her way of thinking and life, because it is the beauty of living in the diversity that inspires and inspires us.
Women of Borboleta will celebrate women's beauty, but at the same time they will celebrate her strength.
Teuta Mesaroš
She is a famous hair stylist, through which many famous ladies went through, her name is Teuta Mesaroš and she owns a hair salon in Tkalčić Street. Teuta is not only a hair stylist, she is a businesswoman, employing about 10 people. At the same time, her workday almost never ends. Teuta is the mother of son Nicholas and daughter Nadia, a preschooler. Teuta with her daily business responsibilities, takes the time to play with her children, but at the same time always be perfectly dressed and dressed up.
Teuta herself is the visual author of her story, which incorporated Borboleta's jewelry into her own style and lifestyle, and thus told her vision. This is precisely the message of these stories, to give women the opportunity to express themselves in the way they want and where they want. So, for her shoot, Teuta chose the iconic 'Kavkaz' coffee shop in Zagreb, because his backdrop suits her lifestyle best - Parisian chic style. Teuta is one of those women whose stories inspire us, and we have given her a platform to express herself fully and hold all the ends of this story in her hands. This jewelry is Teuta's choice and reflects her way of thinking about aesthetics.