Borboleta Campaign
The popular jewellery brand Borboleta has again chosen Tatjana Dragović as the face of Borboleta world campaign, a glamorous model with an enviable foreign career, which in front of the objective of Šime Eškinje this time became more sensual and beautiful than ever!
These art photographs of a well-known photographer have a noble accent. Namely, Borboleta has dedicated one of its bracelets to market awareness for the needs of Croatian maternity clinics for the ultrasonic E8, which is used to diagnose malformations and heart failure in early pregnancy. So that part of the proceeds from selling the purple Borbolet bracelet will be donated for the purpose of purchasing this apparatus.
Professor Marina Ivanišević, Head of Department for Pregnancy and Fetal Growth at Petrova Hospital, clarified the meaning of the E8 ultrasound apparatus: "E8 is a sophisticated apparatus with a completely new and customized probe in the first trimester of pregnancy to more accurately detect any changes in the body of the fruit and responding in a timely fashion to further searches, such as early screening or invasive diagnoses such as early amniocentesis. ' By applying a new program that only supports E8, it is possible to detect heart anomalies earlier and more accurately than it was now possible in Croatian maternity clinics.
Buro 24/7
Glas Slavonije